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The Hardcover can only be ordered from this website. The Softcover and the Audiobook (read by yours truly) are available at Amazon, BookBaby, Walmart, Audible, iTunes, etc. The links are provided below. The book contains over 150 pages of heartfelt MOMENTS that will deliver you laughter and a sprinkle of sorrow, along with over 200 photos, printed in full color on 8.5 x 11, 80lb. stock. Upon checkout, you will have the option to receive a free 11x17 poster, a bookmark, and to have your book signed - which I would be honored to do.
Hardcover $49.95 • Softcover $39.95 • Audible $17.95
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The Hardcover and the Softcover are identical, except for the cover and dust jacket wrap.
Playing a black Les Paul through a vintage Marshall stack, mic’d through a tower-high wall of speakers at Detroit’s Cobo Hall feels like you’re flying a 747, with one exception… You’re standing on top of it.
In this engaging and often humorous memoir, Gary Spaniola gives a behind-the-scenes look into the many aspects of his life. Growing up in the suburbs of Detroit, Gary shares unforgettable moments of his childhood, his rise in the Detroit music scene with his rock band, Bitter Sweet Alley, his career as a record producer earning multiple gold and platinum records, and his obsession with learning that caused him to alienate the music world for years to become a self-taught computer programmer designing his own automation system and launching his own software company. After achieving multiple software design awards, he once again reignited his true passion for creating music and went on to release three additional solo albums.
Gary’s storytelling captures the sincerity and humor of the colorful chaos of growing up in a large family, getting his first guitar, performing in front of thousands of people, and sharing the stage with many legendary rock icons. He takes you with him back to the small, seedy venues and up to the major crowd-filled arenas, as well as the countless hours practicing guitar, creating his software, and building his dreams. Gary shares his trials, tribulations, and determination with every career turn. Interlaced in this memoir is Gary’s love for faith, family, and lifelong friends, along with the hilarity and frustration of growing up and finding his way in life.
NOW available at all bookstores
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